Church Membership

Why Join a Church?


Christians usually know they ought to GO to church, but why do we need to JOIN a church?

The answer is that church membership is necessary in order to obey all the commands that the Bible gives us. Many of the commands in Scripture take for granted that Christians aren’t trying to follow Jesus on their own, but are part of a committed fellowship of believers who are committed to helping one another follow Jesus.

Think about it…


Love One Another (John 13:34-35)

Jesus commands his followers to love one another and he says the way all people will know who are his disciples is by their love for each other. This mutual “one another” love that God’s people have for each other Jesus says is the distinguishing mark of Christians.

Encourage One Another (Hebrew 10:24-25)

Hebrews 10:24 says “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Christians are not just to grow in love and good deeds, Christians are to “consider” to “plan” to “strategize” how to spur one another on to love and good deeds.

God means for you to grow by giving thought and attention to pursuing the spiritual growth of others, who are also seeking to help you grow! This is the Bible’s plan for how a Christian grows spiritually. And we can’t do it alone.

Guard One Another (Hebrews 3:12)

Jesus says the church is to be a place marked by loving accountability (Matt 18). We all have blind spots, and ways in which we are prone to be hardened by sins deceitfulness. God means for the church to be a place where we are not merely looking out for ourselves, but where we are looking out for one another (Heb 3:12).

Why would anyone sign up for this kind of accountable? Because Jesus knows we all need it. We are prone to wander, and Jesus has designed the church to be a means by which we can know and be known, love and be loved, guard and be guarded.

Obey Your Leaders (Hebrews 13:17)

The Bible commands Christians, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you” (Heb 13:17). This command assumes that every Christian is in a community where they have a real relationship with leaders. We have to know who our leaders are, and our leaders have to know us.

Sometimes when we think of Church leaders we think of Bible teachers. We might ask, “why can’t my favorite author or online preacher by my pastor?” The answer is because the Bible expects more of leaders than just teaching. church leaders are to keep watch over your soul. Thats something that a book or podcast can never do. The Bible expects Christians to be in a mutual committed relationship with a particular defined group of Christians where you know who your leaders are, and they know you.

Why Should YOU join a Church?

You should Join for your own soul

Commitment to a local church enables you to obey these commands, but it also opens the door for you to receive the blessing and loving care that Jesus knows all of his people need.

You should join for others

God’s plan for you and your spiritual growth is about more than just you and your spiritual growth. God’s plan is for you to be part of the means by which other Christians around you grow spiritually and persevere in faith.

You should join to help make the gospel clear

By drawing a clear line between the church and the world, church membership puts the gospel on display by publicly declaring “these people are those who believe the gospel and whose lives are being transformed by the gospel.”

Ultimately You should join for the glory of God

In Ephesians 3 we’re told that it is through the church that God has put on display his manifold wisdom. When a local church, full of sinful individuals, is united together in the gospel and committed in love to one another. The wisdom and worth and glory of God is seen and experienced.

Who Can Join UBC?

The short answer is: anyone can join!

All are invited to join UBC who share a common life, a common faith, and a common commitment. What does that mean?

1. A Common Life

Church members of UBC have experienced new life in Christ. We have seen that our sin has earned us God’s condemnation, and that by union with Christ by faith in his death and resurrection our sin is forgiven and we receive new hearts that are able love him.

2. A Common Faith

Church members share a common faith in what we believe. We can’t all express it perfectly, but we share a common faith based on the Bible. You can learn more about what we believe by reviewing our Confession of Faith.

3. A Common Commitment

Finally, members of UBC share a common commitment. We are committed to obeying Jesus through particpating in the life of this local church and acting as his representatives in the world around us. We have summarized those commitments in our church covenant.


Does this describe you? If so, we would love to have you join us!

How Do I Join?

There are 3 steps to becoming a member at UBC:

Step 1: Complete *Membership Matters*

Membership Matters is our membership class where you are able to get to know us as a church. Attending this class does not commit you to membership, but it is required prior to joining.

The class covers the following areas:

1. Why Join a Church?
2. What Does UBC Believe? See: Confession of Faith
3. How Members Agree to Live? See: Church Covenant
4. Where did UBC Come From? A brief history of the church. See: UBC History

Step 2: Meet with a Pastor

After you’ve gotten to know us in Membership Matters the next step is for us to get to know you! After you’ve completed Membership Matters, the next step is to meet with one or two elders for a membership interview. This interview helps us get to know you better and gives you the opportunity to ask further questions about UBC in an informal setting.

Step 3: Congregational Affirmation

The final step in our membership process involves the elders recommending you for membership to the congregation. The church will then vote to affirm you as a new member of our church family during a members’ meeting.

Have Questions about Membership at UBC?

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